Plants in your home have a way of making your space feel like home. They provide a soothing presence that can help improve mood, health, and even air quality. When deciding on which indoor plants to purchase, you might find it confusing to choose the best type for your needs. For a guide on what types of plants work well with specific rooms, check out this article on hanging indoor plants!
What Indoor Plants are Safe to Hang?
Indoor plants are often seen as a great addition to any home and they can help freshen up a room. However, some plants are poisonous to pets or humans so it is important to know which plants are safe for hanging. First, you should ensure that the plants being hung are safe to be inside your home. You’ll want to make sure that they’re not poisonous or toxic to be around. A good way to test this is by putting the plant in a pot and checking for any signs of toxicity such as discoloration, mold, or rot. If you see anything like this, it’s best not to hang the plant up. If the plant passes these tests and is safe to be around, you’ll want to test if there are any safety precautions needed before hanging them up. There are different plants that can be hung without the risk of damaging them. If you don’t have any plant, a pot with a ceramic or clay base will work just as well. The size of the plant’s pot should fit on your wall brackets and also provide adequate space for the roots in order to prevent rot.
How to Clean an Indoor Plant
Plant leaves can become soiled with dust, dirt, and pollutants. If you hang your plant above a window, then clean it on a regular basis to prevent the buildup of these substances on the leaves. To clean your plant, prepare a bucket filled with about one inch of lukewarm water and add a small amount of detergent to it. Place your plant in the solution for about an hour or until the dirt and grime comes off easily.
How to Care for an Indoor Plant
Plant care is essential to the plant’s well being. Plants love water and will drink up to two cups of water per day. Keep in mind that plants are thirsty, so make sure you give them plenty of water. If you notice your plant is droopy, it may be dehydrated or too close to a window where direct sunlight is falling on your plant. Move it away from the window or closer to a cooler area for better light and temperature control. It also doesn’t hurt to mist your plant/air plants with an indoor fountain if they start getting dry. You can also increase humidity around your plant by placing a bowl of water near the base of the pot or by adding pebbles in your soil mix.
One of the best ways to keep your house green and beautiful is to have hanging indoor plants. They help fill spaces in your home with life and can be a great source of oxygen. They also need very little care and many people like being able to observe their plants from across the room.