Intermittent Fasting: Everything You Need To Know

Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular topics to discuss in the health and fitness community today. This article takes the time to break down what intermittent fasting is, how it works, and more importantly, its benefits.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting falls under the umbrella of “time-restricted feeding”. This means that you’re fasting for a set period of time each day, usually from 16:00 to 20:00 hours. During this time, you eat normal meals, but without any carbohydrates. So the eating window for intermittent fasting is about 16 hours a day.

When Should I Start Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where someone either eats in a reduced or intermittent manner with the intention of losing weight. The fasting periods can vary, but usually last between 14-36 hours. It is best to start by doing shorter cycles of fasting with a break in between, while ensuring you are getting enough nutrients and calories during your fasting period. Intermittent fasting is when you eat during a set time period which includes both fasting and eating. It sounds like a contradiction because fasting means to not consume any calories – so if you’re eating, then you’re not doing intermittent fasting. The tricky part is figuring out how long your fast should be, and how many times a week it should occur.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Some of the benefits of intermittent fasting are that it helps to reduce your risk for weight gain, improve your mood, and prevent diabetes. It’s not just a diet; it’s also a lifestyle. You need to give yourself time off from fasting throughout the week so that you can enjoy life with friends and family. Intermittent fasting has many benefits, but it is best to do it in a healthy way. By giving your body a break from food, it allows you to heal and recover while lowering your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. It also helps keep hunger at bay by releasing hormones that make you less hungry. Intermittent fasting is a type of diet regimen in which not all calories are taken consecutively throughout the day. It’s been shown to induce significant improvements in weight loss and health markers, such as blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin sensitivity, and the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Intermittent fasting
The Dangers of Intermittent Fasting

Many people are using intermittent fasting as a weight-loss tool, and while the benefits of this type of diet are touted, it is important to remember that intermittent fasting is not without risks. One should always be aware of these risks when trying new methods or diets for weight loss. Intermittent fasting can be an effective weight-loss tool and it’s also known to improve mental clarity and energy levels. However, intermittent fasting is not without its risks. It may negatively impact your health in the long run if done improperly or irregularly. You should also avoid this technique while pregnant or breastfeeding because it may increase the risk of a miscarriage or low birth weight baby via poor nutrient uptake.

Making the Most Out of Fasting

Fasting is an ancient practice that has been a part of many religions and cultures all over the world. It’s also one of the most powerful ways to lose weight, increase mental clarity, and even improve your overall health. So how can you reap these benefits? Here are some tips for beginners on how to make intermittent fasting work for them. Intermittent fasting has been gaining a lot of popularity lately for its potential health benefits. Studies show the practice may help with weight loss, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, and boost cognition. The science behind intermittent fasting is still evolving, but many people have had great success using it as a tool for metabolic flexibility and diet adherence. Intermittent fasting is a way to get the benefits of intermittent fasting without going through the deprivation or hunger that comes with it. The idea behind intermittent fasting is to have a series of periods of eating and non-eating. During the fasting period, you’ll be able to eat a normal healthy diet, but for the rest of your time, you’ll only be consuming water, tea or coffee. You can also drink some non-caloric beverages like coconut water or bone broth.


There is a lot of information out there about intermittent fasting and it can be tough to sift through all of it. This guide was created for anyone considering doing what I do, or if you just want to learn more about intermittent fasting.